National Spelling B-E-E

This past weekend we had a chance to participate in a national spelling bee as judges for the spelling and writing competitions. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to be involved in such an extravagant event. The British Council and the Thai Ministry of Education hosted the competition. They were new to national spelling bees as well, so they asked for opinions, listened, and implemented those ideas into the competition. It was amazing to be treated as a colleague by such amazing professionals.

The event had over 300 participants within the writing, spelling, and public speaking competitions. First place winners won a two-week trip to England. Second place won a trip to Singapore and third place winners won an i pad mini. The amazing prices added a level of intensity to the room and all participants were nervous. I was a bit nervous myself to make a mistake judging!

I helped read through the essays for the writing competition and was impressed with the students’ work. The essays were written in English and expressed opinions about the disadvantages and advantages of ASEAN. As a foreigner that has been in Thailand for 9 months, I have not ONCE heard anyone disapprove ASEAN or the decisions made by leaders of the country. It was amazing to read the strong opinions of teenagers and to hear their voices come through their writings, especially when I have never heard adults so passionate about the topic.

The winner of the competition absolutely amazed me. As a teacher, you feel extremely inspired when in a room with a student that REALLY wants to learn and to grow. His passion for education was like a breath of fresh air after being around so many others who fight against learning English by having no interest.

The final round of the spelling bee took place after the writing competition. The students spelled words that I count on spell check to help me spell. Seriously, they were that impressive.

After the competition ended, prizes were awarded and a handful of students were already thinking of their upcoming trips to faraway lands. I was only thinking of returning to my hotel room and enjoying a hot shower and ordering pizza. The simple joys of Bangkok in my faraway land.
