Where are you going?

A look into our favorite walking route. Longan orchards, rubber tree fields, and mountain views line the rural road. It’s easy to get lost in the beauty until brought back to reality with the words shouted by strangers, “BY NIGH?” meaning, “Where are you going?” Happily, I have no answer.




Midterm Moved to Midweek

Midterm officially started today after school. It was supposed to start Friday, but because all the students ‘passed’ their multiple choice exams the school will be closed for the rest of the week. Students were given multiple tries on the exams and often were found throughout the school property copying one another. Their scores were still treated as though they were valid. I’m not sure exactly of this logic.

One thing that I enjoy as a teacher is seeing growth. You can’t exactly do that if you turn an eye on students who are cheating. Two students don’t fit when graphing individual abilities.

To combat this, I re-tested students individually out of the classrooms and away from others (including teachers who ‘help’). Students were tested on alphabet letter recognition, sight words, vocabulary, fluency and conversational skills. This took forever- as my partner teacher did not see the point in such documentation and refused to help. I continued regardless, hoping that this too would catch on after she could see the value.

All in all, students felt successful. They could see their own personal growth on a chart and were able to make goals for the next testing time. ALL students were rewarded with stickers regardless of passing or not. After all, English can be daunting for new learners!

I’m still uneasy with the fact that tomorrow the school is closed, knowing truly not all students should have passed. I also know that many of our students could use lessons…we’re so behind as it already is… I have the proof!

This school is really schooling me in the Thai education system and I all I want to do is turn to a friend and copy the right parts of the education system from home.